- The effect of many years of grain crop rotations on changes of humic compounds and spring barley yielding on grey-brown podzolic soil formed from loess 1
- The effect of meadow sod seeding on the yielding and plant density of the under-sow crops on peat muck soil 1
- The effect of meteorological conditions on the course of phenophases of the spring barley 1
- The Effect of method of transplant production on lettuce yield in unheated tunnels 1
- The effect of microbial phytase and citric acid ddditive in diets on minerals content in some sow tissues 1
- The effect of mineral fertilization on the content of some heavy metals in soil under tobacco 1
- The effect of mineral mixtures on the reproduction indices of dairy cows from the Central Pomorze region 1
- The effect of mineral nutrition on physical characteristics of bones of Isa Vedette and Starbro broiler chicken 1
- The effect of mineral nutrition upon the content ot macro- and micro-elements in Isa Wedette and Starbro broilers bone ash 1
- The Effect of multiple subacute intoxication with Ekatin (Sandoz) on selected internal organs of rats. Part I. The Picture of histological changes 1
- The effect of nervous balance on the quality of stallions' behavioural reactions in colour perception test 1
- The effect of nitric fertilization in rows and in broadcast sowing on the yield and quality of light tobacco cultivated in a belt arrangement of rows 1
- The effect of nitrogen form on the growth, photosynthesis and phosphorus uptake by sunflower plants 1
- The effect of N-K nutrition on the nutrients content in the growing medium and leaves of greenhouse tomato. Part II. Autumn cultivation 1
- The effect of N-K nutrition on the nutrients content in the growing medium and leaves of greenhouse tomato. Part I. Spring cultivation 1
- The effect of nutritive medium moisture on the utilization of nitrate, potassium and calcium by lettuce 1
- The effect of oats and fat additives in the feeding of broiler chickens on selected features of gastrointestinal tract and amylolytic activity of pancreas 1
- The effect of organic fertilization and supplementary crop on the yielding and weed infestation of winter triticale in monoculture 1
- The effect of organic fertilizers and liming applied in the vegetable rotation on the changes in the organic carbon content in light soil 1
- The effect of parturition induction and shortening its duration on the reproduction performance indicators in gilts 1
Displaying records 5481-5500 of 7951 in total