
The Repository of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin is an institutional repository that aims to disseminate the scientific achievements of the employees of the university and to promote research conducted at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. The Repository of the University of Life Sciences is supervised by the Main Library of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. **Collection of materials** The Repository collects, stores, and provides access to educational materials, including scientific publications, according to the Open Access movement. The digital collection of the Repository includes scientific articles, educational and conference materials, monographs or their chapters, research data, and doctoral dissertations. **Depositing materials** In the Repository of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, materials can be deposited by authors who are the employees of the University, editors of the Repository and other persons indicated in appropriate orders of the Rector. Materials can be deposited: * directly - by the author or co-author of the materials; *indirectly - by the editor of the Repository or a person indicated in an order of the Rector based on a power of attorney given by the author to deposit a work in the Repository. **Access to and storage of materials** Documents collected in the Repository are available to all interested parties. The only exception is materials the access to which has been restricted by the depositor. Access to metadata and bibliographic descriptions of materials deposited in the Repository is unrestricted. If a Material violates the provisions of the Regulations, the metadata directing to such a Material is still stored in the Repository. Materials deposited in the Repository are stored indefinitely subject to the maintenance of data security. Deposited materials are divided into collections assigned to the organisational units of the University. **Deposit and use of the materials in the Repository is in accordance with the [UP Repository Regulations](https://up.lublin.pl/bip/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2021/05/Regulamin-Repozytorium.pdf), which is an annex to the [Rector's Order of 14.05.2021 r.](https://up.lublin.pl/bip/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2021/05/z-51.pdf)** ## What are the benefits of depositing papers in the Repository of the University of Life Sciences? Researchers, publishers, students - the entire academic community - who choose to embrace the possibilities of openness will quickly see the benefits. The world of science reached beyond the walls of universities a long time ago, choosing the Internet and its tools as the environment for scientific work and the presentation and promotion of its results. The institutional repository is one of such tools. The repository is indexed in the re3data service indexing research data repositories, the OpenDOAR registry indexing open repositories of publications and research data and the FAIRsharing service registering standards, databases and data sharing policies. **[Advantages of depositing works in the Repository](https://repozytorium.up.lublin.pl/pl/search_results/551)** **[Policy of Open Access to publications and research data of the employees and doctoral students of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin](http://bip.up.lublin.pl/files/biurorektora/2019/101/zal._nr_1.pdf)**