- The effect of selected genetic and environmental factors on the quality and chemical composition of milk collected from individual farms in the Lublin region 1
- The effect of selected plants on the formation of some communities of soil microorganisms with particular regard to ammonification bacteria 1
- The effect of selected production indexes on energy consumption of chicken broilers fattenning 1
- The effect of sewage sludge and vermicompost obtained from the sludge application on the enzymatic activity of sandy soil 1
- The effect of sludge added to light textured soil on the chromium content in the bedding and in maize and its yielding 1
- The effect of sodium on the productiveness, biological value and water balance of plants as exemplified by celeries 1
- The effect of soil and level of humidity on nitrogen economy of opium poppy (Papaverum somniferum L.) and of deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna L.) 1
- The effect of soil fertilization and soil management system in an apple orchard on its acidification 1
- The effect of soil management system and fertilization in an apple orchard on the content of different forms of nitrogen 1
- The effect of soil mulching on rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum L.) yielding earliness 1
- The effect of some herbicides on buckwheat yielding 1
- The Effect of some non-genetic factors on the reproductive utility of sows 1
- The effect of sowing and levels of mineral fertilizing on horse bean seed crop 1
- The effect of sowing date on flowering of billy button (Craspedia globosa Benth.) 1
- The effect of sowing the meadow greenness growth with clovers on the yielding and species composition 1
- The effect of soybean oil and vitamin E on performance and chemical composition of depot fat in growing pigs 1
- The effect of ssarsol on enzootic bronchopneumonia in pigs 1
- The effect of substrate type and method of seeding on the growth and development of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) 1
- The effect of sulphur fertilization and liming on the changes in the physio-chemical and chemical properties of the soil. II. The state of soil acidity 1
- The effect of sulphur fertilization and liming on the changes in the physio-chemical and chemical properties of the soil. I. Sulphur in the soil 1
Displaying records 5521-5540 of 7951 in total