- Investigations on the organic substance of the chernozems of the Lublin upland, with special consideration of their origin 1
- Investigations on the origin and evolution of bog soils rich in calcium carbonate in the Lublin District 1
- Investigations on the pathogenicity of cochliobolus sativus (Ito et Kurib.) Dreschsl. (Helminthosporium sorokinianum Sacc. = H. Sativum P. K. et B.) for some leguminous plants 1
- Investigations on the phrenie nerve in the pig 1
- Investigations on the reticulo-endothelial (histiocytic) system in horses hyperimmunized by erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 1
- Investigations on the sensibility of the different tuberculin reactions among children 1
- Investigations on the viruses of the Orphan occurring in pigs in Poland.V. Histopathological changes in the central nervous system of pigletsinfected with virus L1 1
- Investigations on the viruses of the Orphan type occurring in pigs in Poland.III. Pathogenic properties of virus L1 1
- Investigations on the viruses of the Orphan type occurring in pigs in Poland. IV. Haematological findings in piglets artificially infected with virus L1 1
- Investigations on the viruses of the Orphan type occurring in pigs in Poland.VII. Influence of the Orphan virus L1 on the virus of hog cholera in swinekidney cell cultures 1
- Investigations on the viruses of the Orphan type occurring in pigs in Poland.VI. Serological comparison of pig enteroviruses L1, R3, R16, R24, R36, R59 and C, and of viruses of human origin REO (ECHO10), AD2, ECHO1 and ECHO9 1
- Investigations on viruses of the Orphan type occurring in pigs in Poland. II. Basic physical, chemical and serological properties of the cytopathogenic intestinal viruses L1 and L2 isolated from healthy pigs in Poland 1
- Investigations on wheat seeds microflora (including pathogenic fungi) in the Lublin District 1
- Inwazja Varroa jacobsoni O ud. a aktywność fagocytarna hemocytów pszczół robotnic Apis mellifera.Obserwacje wstępne u pszczół zimujących 1
- Inwazje tasiemców u koni 1
- Isoenzymatic diagnosis of ruminants diseases 1
- Isolation of Bacillus spp. from intestinal tract of small free-living insectivorous mammals and rodentsIsolation of Bacillus spp. from intestinal tract of small free-living insectivorous mammals and rodents 1
- Istota zmian histopatologicznych w mózgu i rdzeniu u owiec zakażonych ustalonym zarazkiem wścieklizny 1
- Iufluence of leaf cutting terms on the yield and chemical composition of chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) 1
- I. Współczesny pogląd na pałeczki hemoglobinofilne 1
Displaying records 2721-2740 of 7951 in total