- Effect of differentiated mineral fertilisation on the chemical content of hay 1
- Effect of differentiated moisture of seeds as well as extrusion-cooking temperature upon the composition of yellow lupine extrudates 1
- Effect of differentiated pre-sowing cultivation on some physical properties of the soil, weed infestation and the yielding of onion and red beet. Part III. Weed infestation in onion and red beet cultivation 1
- Effect of differentiated pre-sowing cultivation on some physical properties of the soil, weed infestation and the yielding of onion and red beet. Part II. Yielding of onion and red beet 1
- Effect of differentiated pre-sowing cultivation on some physical properties of the soil, weed infestation and the yielding of onion and red beet. Part I. Physical properties of the soil 1
- Effect of different levels of P fertilization and additional foliage feeding on the yield and some elements in leaves and fruits of tomato 1
- Effect of different methods of ploughing on vertical distribution of weed seeds in soil formed of loess 1
- Effect of different methods of transplant production on the yielding of sweet pepper in field cultivation 1
- Effect of different organic waste on nitrification in brown soil used for fruit growing 1
- Effect of different use of muck soils on the moisture-air conditions and occurrence of soil fauna 1
- Effect of environmental conditions on the growth, flowering and yielding of common fumitory (Fumaria officinalis L.) 1
- Effect of estrus sexual activity on potential fertility in breeding gilts 1
- Effect of extra-root nutrition on goosebery (Ribes grossularia L.) yielding 1
- Effect of extrusion-cooking of lupine, horse bean, oat and barley on their chemical composition with particular regard to dietary fibre composition 1
- Effect of fatty acids on the intestinal motility in the cow in vitro 1
- Effect of feeding intensity on the slaughter value of black-and-white bulls with different final fattening weights 1
- Effect of feeding with full ration mixtures including extracted rape feed on the productive value of sows 1
- Effect of fertilisation of grey brown podzolic soil with the earth from sugar factory sediment tanks on plant yielding. III. Weed infestation of the soil and plant canopies 1
- Effect of fertilisation of grey brown podzolic soil with the earth from sugar factory sediment tanks on plant yielding. Il. The yields of plants and their quality 1
- Effect of fertilization of acid soil on the yield of spring crops. II. Yielding and content of macro-elements in the grain and straw of spring wheat, spring barley and oats 1
Displaying records 1661-1680 of 7951 in total