- An attempt to determine the effect of selected natural conditions on the fibre yield of flaxcultivated in central-eastern Poland 1
- An attempt to determine the role of individual size fractions in the system of physico-chemical properties of the soil 1
- An attempt to establish the level of harmfulness of japanese millet (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. B.) in potato cultivation 1
- An attempt to estimate the breeding value of the leading stallions in the selected wielkopolska studs 1
- An attempt to estimatet he photo-induced luminiscence of sugar beet seeds with differentiated ability of germination 1
- An attempt to evaluate surface waters of the Eastern River Oder and lake Dąbie on the basis of our own experimental model. I. Microbiological and chemical appraisal of water samples from the Eastern river Oder and lake Dąbie 1
- An attempt to evaluate the breeding value of sows by the BLUP method 1
- An attempt to evaluate the influence of magnesium of the content of some fatty compounds of blood plasma of cocks fed on an atherogenic diet 1
- An attempt to improve the effects of sheep production on poor soils 1
- An attempt to prognose the size of the country's stock of horses with tke help of the parametric approximation functions 1
- Ancestry structure and utility value of purebred Arabian stallions used in Polish breeding in the mating seasons 1995-2000 1
- An electrophoretic study of the gastric mucosa proteases in the horse 1
- An energetic and economical estimation of maize grain production in family farms 1
- An estimate of the microbiological methods of determining the soil fertility 1
- An estimation of nervous irritabilily of the cold-blooded horses 1
- An estimation of nervous irritability in full English Blood Horses 1
- An estimation of quantitative and qualitative changesin carrots stored in differentiated temperature and humidity conditions 1
- An estimation of reproductory indexes considering the nervous irritability of the Małopolski mares 1
- An estimation of the ecotypes of Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) in the conditions of the Lublin Upland 1
- An estimation of the productivity of daughters of bulls' mothers as a measurement of the efficiency of the realized breeding program 1
Displaying records 281-300 of 7951 in total