- Immunological circumstances of infertility 1
- Immunological investigations in the course of experimental invasion of Fasciolai hepatica in rats 1
- Immunological investigations of rats immunised with a somatic extract of Fasciola hepatica 1
- Immunological, oxidoreductive, biochemical indicators, microbial enzymes in biological material taken from rats fed a diet with the addition of various sources of fiber and copper nanoparticles 1
- Immunological, oxidoreductive, biochemical indicators, microbial enzymes in biological material taken from rats fed a high-fat diet with the addition of chromium 1
- Immunological properties of the anterior part of the eye 1
- Immunological properties of the posterior part of the eye. I. The Vitreous 1
- Immunological reactions in cattle vaccinated with S19 and infected with brucellosis 1
- Immunological response in rats immunized with a somatic extract of Fasciola hepatica 1
- Immunological studies in the course of fascioliasis of sheep and cattle. I. Antigens of Fasciola hepatica, their characterization and immunological properties 1
- Immunologiczna ocena szczepionek przeciwko infekcji Microsporum canis 1
- Immunologiczne odczyny w jaglicy 1
- Immunologiczne uwarunkowania zaburzeń płodności 1
- Immunologiczne właściwości przedniego odcinka oka 1
- Immunologiczne właściwości tylnego odcinka oka. I. Ciałko szkliste 1
- Immunomodulative effect of cimetidine on porcine T lymphocytes in vitro 1
- Immunomodulatory effects of antifungal drugs and prospects in therapy of chalkbrood of the honey bee 1
- Immunomodulujące działanie in vitro cymetydyny na limfocyty T otrzymane z krwi obwodowej świń 1
- Immunophenotype of lymphocytes in blood and broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BAL) in patients with sarcoidosis 1
- Immunoprofilaktyka bakteryjnych zakażeń układu oddechowego cieląt 1
Displaying records 2401-2420 of 7951 in total