- Quality evaluation of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) PLO1 line 1
- Quality of apples obtained from flowers artificially pollinated by pollen of ornamental apple trees (Malus Mill.) 1
- Quality of commodity milk taken from milk collection to dairy 1
- Quality of fatteners' meat classified into particular classes of EUROP system 1
- Quality of lamb loin due to genotype and management system — results of field studies 1
- Quality of meat and light porkers (65 kg) fattened on mixtures with differentiated proportions of corn grain and seeds of leguminous plants 1
- Quality of meat from lambs out of kamieniecka ewes and crossbreeds by charolaise rams 1
- Quality of milk sold on market places in Lublin in comparison with consumption milk from retail network 1
- Quality of pasteurised milk available in retail outlets in Lublin 1
- Quality of raw milk and structure of milk purchase in Biała Podlaska 1
- Quality of tank milk in selected purchasing centres of Lublin district 1
- Quantitative and qualitative changes of apples in relation to relative humidity of the air and the time of storage 1
- Racjonalne użytkowanie energii w rolnictwie. Cz. I: Gospodarka paliwami i energią elektryczną w rolnictwie 1
- Racjonalne użytkowanie energii w rolnictwie. Cz. Il: Wykorzystanie do celów energetycznych odpadów i energii niekonwencjonalnej 1
- Radiographic examinations of the calcis ossification process of arab koniks during skeleton maturation 1
- Radiological and histological investigations on the spontaneous arteriosclerosis of the mammary gland arteries in cows 1
- Radiological investigations on the collateral circulation in experimental portal hypertension in sheep 1
- Radiological studies on the pathways of collateral circulation in the course of experimental Vena Cava Cranialis syndrome in dogs 1
- Radiologiczne badania dróg krążenia obocznego w przebiegu doświadczalnej niedrożności żyły czczej przedniej u psów 1
- Radiometric methods for evaluating the regularity of hip joint in dogs using distraction index 1
Displaying records 4341-4360 of 7951 in total