- Radiometryczne metody oceny prawidłowości stawów biodrowych u psów z wykorzystaniem indeksu rozciągnięcia 1
- Rainworms as an indicatorc of transportation of heavy metals from the contaminate ednvironments to the eco-systems 1
- Random blocks and split plot experiments with perennial crops 1
- Rapeseed meal "OO" in feeding of growing-finishing pigs 1
- Rate of changes in the content of lactic acid in milk depending on temperature and storage time 1
- Rate of growth of heifers during rearing and their subsequent exterior, productivity, fertility and utilization period 1
- Rate of inbreeding in some breeding herds of Polish lowland sheep and its effect on some utility values 1
- Rational utilization of energy in agriculture. Part II: Utilization of wastes and unconvential energy for energetic purposes 1
- Rational utilization of energy in agriculture. Part I: The economics of fuels and electric energy in agriculture 1
- Reaction of cucumber plants treated with paclobutrazol to periodical effect of cold 1
- Reaction of glasshouse tomato to potassium chloride or sulphate fertilization on various substrates 1
- Reaction of oat to the oxygen conditions in the soil under the influence of periodical flooding in a pot experiment 1
- Reaction of potato varieties of Pora, Sokół and Narew to some herbcides. Part I. The influence of ingrater on weed infestation and yielding of potatoes 1
- Reaction of rootstocks of couch grass (Agropyron repens (L.) P.B.) to watering and differentiated phosphorus-potassium fertilization on alfalfa (Medicago x varia Martyn) grown on the rendzina soil 1
- Reaction of the hypothalano-hypophyseal suprarenal system in experimental endotoxic stress and in oedema disease in pigs 1
- Reaction of the selected weed species to nitrogen fertilization and simazine 1
- Reaction of vegetable plants to simplifications in pre-winter and spring soil cultivation in the link of crop rotation 1
- Reaction of weeds to differentiated phosphorus and potassium fertilization and watering of alfalfa grown on the rendzina soil 2
- Reaction of weeds to fertilization in an apple orchard 1
- Reaction of weeds to intensive fertilizing of some crops cultivated on soil formed of loess 1
Displaying records 4361-4380 of 7951 in total