- Yielding and weed infestation of plants in a 4-plot crop rotation in the conditions of simplified cultivation on the eroded loess soil. II. Spring barley 1
- Yielding and weed infestation of plants in a 4-plot crop rotation in the conditions of simplified cultivation on the eroded loess soil. I. Potato 1
- Yielding and weed infestation of plants in a 4-plot crop rotation in the conditions of simplified cultivation on the eroded loess soil. IV. Winter wheat 1
- Yielding and weed infestation of spring barley on different elements of the relief in the eroded terrain with loess soils 1
- Yielding and weed infestation of winter rape in sculptured area of eroded loess soil 1
- Yielding of buckwheat in relation to fertilisation and approach of pollinators 1
- Yielding of buckwheat in the main and second crop 1
- Yielding of certain grasses under the effect of light exposure of the sowing material by means of a helium-neon laser 1
- Yielding of four broccoli cultivars in autumn cultivation 1
- Yielding of greenhouse tomato grown in different substrates 1
- Yielding of greenhouse tomato in relation to the substrate and nitrogen fertilization 1
- Yielding of native and foreign varieties of soybean in collection 1
- Yielding of semidwarf winter triticale cultivars depending on sowing density 1
- Yielding of several asparagus cultivars in the years 1990-1999 1
- Yielding of stingle nettle (Urtica dioica L.) depending upon time of rootstock planting and development stage of harvested plants 1
- Yielding of white cabbage cv. Amager cultivated in first year after fertilization with plants forecrops and with farmyard manure 1
- Yielding of winter triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) cultivated in crop rotation and in monoculture 1
- Yielding of yellow lupine cultivated in crop rotation and monoculture 1
- Yieldings of the meadows in the Bystrzyca valley watered with communal sewage water of the Lublin town 1
- Yield, nutrition value and root mass of aftercrop as influenced by nitrogen levels 1
Displaying records 7521-7540 of 7951 in total