- Characteristics of mink fur defects based on the results of auction sales 1
- Characteristics of nervous reactivity of hucul horses 1
- Characteristics of plant associations from the classes of Phramitetea Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Plantaginetea maioris in Czerniejówka river 1
- Characteristics of selected indexes of reproduction at the Kalników stud in 1990-2001 1
- Characteristics of stocks of pedigree cows from individual farms in the Lublin Region 1
- Characteristics of studding indexes for head stallions in the national studs of Janów Podlaski and Walewice 1
- Characteristics of the estimation of pigs crossed with Pietrain breed 1
- Characteristics of the polish bovine adenovirus with a particular reference to the features changeable during attenuation 1
- Characteristics of the purebred Arabian broodmares in Michałów Stud with regards to a specified indicator of reproduction 1
- Characteristics of the seeds of the selected cyultivars of the Nicotiana type 1
- Characteristics of traits testifying to chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) domestication 1
- Characteristics of ware's food during winter 1
- Characteristics with regard to pedigree and usability of Arabian horses sold at the Janów Podlaski auction sales 1
- Characteristies of antibiotic actinomycetes isolated from infertile soils 1
- Characterization of changes occurring in the one-third-octave noise spectrum of the agricultural motor S-312 C during running-in on a dynamometric stand 1
- Characterization of chromatographically purified two sheep pepsinogen preparations: Pg1 + Pg2and Pg3 + Pg4 and the Pepsins Derived from Them: Ps1 +Ps2 and Ps3 +Ps4 1
- Characterization of setting of the fruit of higbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in the Lublin region conditions against the background of selected cultivars 1
- Characterization of soil-formative processes and properties of the soils formed from carbonate rocks in the conditions of moderate, humid and mediteranean climates 1
- Characterization of the behaviour of draught horses from the state and attested stallions in the period of using them as draught horses 1
- Characterization of the genetic variants of bovine leukemia provirus isolated in Poland 1
Displaying records 981-1000 of 7951 in total