- Damage caused by wild-boars in the field culture in the macroregion of central-eastern Poland 1
- Damlines and sirelines of Polish purebred arabian horses distinguishing themselves by racing abilities 1
- Dane do znajomości płynu otrzewnowego u bydła 1
- Decreasing the excessive content of manganese due to steaming of soil 1
- Defects and faults of leather of farm fallow deer and red deer 1
- Defense strategies of the honey bee to fungal infections 1
- Defensive behavior of three breeds of Apis mellifera L. 1
- Deficit as a factor of evolutionary innovations 1
- Definition of regression equations in order to attain the evaluation of slaughter value of cattle 1
- Degradacja, ochrona i rekultywacja gleb / 1
- Density of deer population with special respect to roe-deer in different forest districts 1
- Dependence of the development of some groups of soil microorganisms on the configuration of the Grajcarek river basin 1
- Dependence of the steroid hormones concentrations and lipoprotein composition in follicular fluid on the stage of bovine follicular growth 1
- Der abstand zwischen Larve und Rand der Brutzelle von Apis mellifera, ein Parameter für die Brutinvasion von Varroa jacobsoni Üü 1
- Der achte Tarsalskeletsknochen des Hausschweines 1
- Descent, distribution and farm-work utility of the Sokólski horse 1
- Description of soils occurring at the Experimental Agricultural Station Czesławice 1
- Destruction of root tissues of two cultivars of chickling vetch (Lathyrus sativus L.) by aluminium excess 1
- Destrukcja tkanek korzeni dwóch odmian lędźwianu siewnego (Lathyrus satiyus L.) w warunkach stresu glinowego 1
- Detection and separation of aminoacids in protein hydrolysates of soya bean by the partition paper chromatography method 1
Displaying records 1341-1360 of 7951 in total