- Morfologia ziarn pyłku krajowych gatunków z rodzaju Anemone L. 1
- Morfologiczna korelacja między astrocytami i naczyniami krwionośnymi podczas rozwoju śródmózgowia świni domowej 1
- Morfologiczne zmiany astrocytarne w gałce bladej podczas cyklu rujowego szczura 1
- Morfometria nosowej części trzewioczaszki wybranych ras świń, wykonana na podstawie badań radiograficznych 1
- Morphogenesis of arterioscierosis and of infarcts of the myvocardium in pigs 1
- Morphological and chemical studies of peritoneal fluid and blood in the cows with perforating rumen wounds 1
- Morphological and histochemical changes in the adrenals and other organs of monkeys (Macacus rhesus) after air transport 1
- Morphological and histochemical investigations of selected internal organs of rats after administration of therapeutic and toxic dose of selenium 1
- Morphological appearance of the thyroid gland of young cockerels as early criterion of the laying ability of their full sisters 1
- Morphological changes in rats after injection of Propanidid into A. femoralis 1
- Morphological changes in the organs of the cereal plants cultivated on the strong acidified soils 1
- Morphological composition of pigs of Polish Large White breed fattened on mixtures with varying proportions of corn grain and leguminous seeds and butchered at the body mass of 65 kg 1
- Morphological correlation between astrocytes and blood vessels during development of the mesencephalon in Sus domestica 1
- Morphological studies of adrenals of pigs infectied with swine fever 1
- Morphology and some functions of oligodendroglia in the central nervous system 1
- Morphometry of the nasal part of the splanchnocranium in some swine breeds based on radiographic examinations 1
- Morphotic elements and proteins in hemolymph of honeybee (Apis mellifica L.) brood in the course of american foulbrood 1
- Motor nuclei of medulla oblongata in the sheep 1
- Motor nuclei of oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves in pigeon (Columba livia) 1
- Movement parameters of Felin ponies in saddle performance test 1
Displaying records 3101-3120 of 7880 in total