- Estimation of the suitability of fifteen clones of different varieties of the bulb (Helianthus tuberosus L.) for distillery purposes 1
- Estimation of usability value of Arctium tomentosum Mill., Rumex hydrolapathum Huds.and Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. 1
- Estimation of variability tolerance reaction time in gilts of Polish Landrace and Polish Large White breeds 1
- Estimation of variance components in mixed models 1
- etermination of aminoacids in hydrolysates of hays of: Medicago sativa, Ornithopus sativus, Trifolium pratense, Vicia faba minor and Lupinus luteus — by the paper chromatography method 1
- Etfect of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on the height and quality of the yields of the green fodder of Sida hermaphrodita Rusby 1
- Ethological variety of stud małopolski horses considering genealogical lines 1
- Etimation of breeding value of purebred Arabian head stallions with respect to the feature of racing performance 1
- Etological estimation of purebred Arabian fillies and foals on the pasture considering nervous irritability 1
- Études sur la qualité des porcs destinés à la production du bacon, dans la région de Lublin, d'après les mesures prises sur les animaux vifs et après l'abattage 1
- Evaluatian of bio-element composition in horses' organism on the basis of their content in hair 1
- Evaluation of a cholesterol level and fatty acids structure at pig hybrids of various genetic forms 1
- Evaluation of adaptation and effectiveness of utilising red angus and salers beef heifers brought from Canada 1
- Evaluation of antiepileptic drugs blocking seizures induced by flunarizine in rabbits 1
- Evaluation of behavioural reaction stereotypes of service dogs during qualification and training 1
- Evaluation of bulls with the CC method using four lactations of daughters 1
- Evaluation of carbohydrate-fat metabolism disorders in cows with fat over-mobilisation syndrome 1
- Evaluation of cattle rearing and breeding in the individual farms of the Zamość District 1
- Evaluation of chlorthal-dimethyl, propyzamide and trifluralin for weed control in Carthamus trinctorius (L.), Calendula officinalis ( L.) and Matricaria chamomilla ( L.) crops 1
- Evaluation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) yield cultivated in unheated glasshouse with thermal screen 1
Displaying records 1981-2000 of 7951 in total