- Evaluation of the utility of Afalon (Linuron) as herbicide in cultures of carrot and parsley, on the strength of the action of this preparation on photosynthesis of the plants 1
- Evaluation of working abilities and nervous irritability in Małopolski stallions considering influence of sire breed 1
- Evaluation pe technological properties of some varieties and lines of wheat with different content of protein 1
- Examination of soils and waters in the centres of the leptospirosis endemic in the region of Tomaszów Lubelski 1
- Examinations for the proportional content of fat in the milk by the Sadokowa method 1
- Examinations of an attenuated strain of bovine adenovirus for preparing a vaccine 1
- Examinations of udder in goats and an attempt to interpret California Test of milk 1
- Expellers from seeds of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) applied as dietary substitute for energy and protein in broiler chicks 1
- Expenditure of work in grid cowsheds 1
- Expenditures, costs and profitability of vegetative rootstock production in the years 1993-1996 1
- Experimental composting of tobacco industry wastes. I. Effect of using different kinds of inoculum on the growth of compost microflora 1
- Experimental immunosuppression of cell-mediated immunity in guinea pigs immunised with T. verrucosum 1
- Experimental investigations of the localization of the lactic gland nervous centres in the sheep 1
- Experimental investigations of the localization of the nervre centres of Nervus Splanchnicus Major in the sheep 1
- Experimental investigations on localization of nervous centres of genital organs in the ram 1
- Experimental investigations on the localization of nerve centres of the phrenic nerve in the dog 1
- Experimental investigations on the localization of the motoneurons of the musculocutaneous nerve and the axillar nerve in the spinal cord of the sheep 1
- Experimental investigations on the localization of the nerve centres of the accessory nerve in the dog 1
- Experimental selection of yeast-like organisms for the production of fodder protein on vinasse 1
- Experimental studies of the influence of air emboli in the circulatory system on the arterial pressure and respiration 1
Displaying records 2041-2060 of 7951 in total