- The Influence of considerdble limitation of fodder on the developmentof hypomagnesaemia in dairy cows 1
- The influence of contamination with fly-ash on oxydo-reductive properties and reaction of the soil as well as solubility of lead, zinc and copper 1
- The influence of coumarin on the fat of plasma of cocks fed on an atherogenic diet 2
- The influence of crop canopy cultivation method on yielding of two varieties of spring triticale 1
- The influence of Cu and Co fertilization on quantity and quality of hay from dried meadow using various NPK doses 1
- The influence of cultivation method on yield and nitrate content in butterhead lettuce 1
- The influence of cytokinins on shoot regeneration of Nematanthus gregarius in vitro 1
- The influence of damage of instrumentally inseminated queen bees on the results of locating them in hives and starting brood 1
- The influence of defecative lime on the dynamics of micro-elements in the soils and plants in theconditions of a pot Experiment. Part. II. The dynamics of boron, zinc, manganese and iron in the plants 1
- The influence of defecative lime on the dynamics of micro-elements in the soils and plants in the conditions of a pot experiment. Part I. The dynamics of boron, zinc, manganese and iron in the soils 1
- The influence of degenerated sympathetic fibres on the reflex excitability and on the function of the peripheral motor neuron 1
- The Influence of dietary mineral mixtures on microelements level in blood serum of dairy cow from the central Pomorze region 1
- The influence of different environmental thermal conditions on the utilization water by broiler chickens 1
- The influence of differentiated mineral fertilization on the yielding of winter wheat 1
- The influence of different levels of soil humidity on the growth, development, yield, amount of nutrients and vitamins of jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) 1
- The influence of different oversowing technologies on floristic composition of meadow sward 1
- The Influence of digestive enzymes on the motor activity of jejunum in vitro 1
- The influence of diminishing the protein level in the diet with different amino acid content upon the performance of fattening pigs 1
- The influence of dinitro-ortho-cresol (DNOC) on soil fungi physiology and morphology. Part I. The influence of various concentrations of DNOC on the consumption of glucose, spawn biomass and the content of organic N in the biomass 1
- The influence of direct sowing on development of grasses and meadow clover 1
Displaying records 5661-5680 of 7951 in total