- The influence of sows productivity over porky cattle production at the chosen farms 1
- The influence of storage of hatching eggs on the growth and viability of chickens and on the productivity of hens 1
- The Influence of stress on hyperlipidemy in swine 1
- The influence of stubble aftercrop on weed-infestation of winter wheat and spring barley in crop-rotation systems with varying proportions of cereals 1
- The influence of sucrose concentration on microtuber formation of Gloriosa Rothschildiana O'Brien 1
- The influence of sulphur on the utilization of nitrogen by rape plants 1
- The influence of superphosphate addition on physico-chemical and microbiological properties of a straw bedding in a sheep-house 1
- The Influence of supplement of micro and macro elements doses on their contents in blood serum and the hair of dairy cattle 1
- The influence of swine moving on their health and productivity effects 1
- The influence of synthetic structure forming agents on the life activity of chosen groups of soil microorganisms 1
- The influence of temperature and duration of its application on the changes of gel-forming capacity of pectin concotions 1
- The influence of the anaesthesia and analgesia on the Blood coagulability 1
- The influence of the component of the mixtures and the conditions of the habitat on the maintenance of certain species of low grasses and white clover in the greenness growth of pastures for sheep 1
- The influence of the degree of pollination of black currant flowers (Ribes nigrum L.) on the number of seeds in fruits and its size 1
- The influence of the genotype of pig crosses and anatomic group of muscles on fatty acid contents and the cholesterol level at piglets barbecue class 1
- The influence of the hatching time upon maturity, egg-laying rate and winter egg-production in Polish greenlegs and Rhode Island reds 1
- The influence of the initial sprouting germination and nitric fertilization on the darkening of potato bulbs 1
- The influence of the intensity of cultivation on the yieldings of winter wheat and spring barley in crop-rotations of different proportions of cereals 1
- The influence of the intensity of feeding on weight increase and feed utilization in a pig of Puławy breed fattened for quick production of meat 1
- The influence of the long — time feeding the same sort of ration to ruminants on their power to digest it 1
Displaying records 5801-5820 of 7951 in total