- The influence of varied moistening and soil type on the yielding and yield structure of rye, wheat and triticale 1
- The influence of varied nitrogen-sulphur nutrition on the productivity and biological value of fodder plants 1
- The influence of weather and soil conditions on red clover flowering length 1
- The influence of weather and soil conditions on the crops of serradella seeds (Ornithopus sativus Brot.) in the Lublin region 1
- The influence of weather conditions on the course of pollen seasons for chosen taxa in Poznań in 2000 1
- The influence of weed infestation on the yields of some crops 1
- The infuence of differentiated potassium fertlization on the yielding of a meadow with muck-peat soil 1
- The infuence of simazine on physiological reactions of resistant and sensitive to triazine bio-types of (Erigeron canadiensis L.) 1
- The iniluence of spacing on the value of the fodder suanflower 1
- The initial results concerning segregation of genes conditioning polymorphism of Hb, Ca, EsA and the potassium level in sheep 1
- The inluence of sprinkling irrigation with salty water from hard coal mine Bogdanka on speciescomposition of meadows and content of mineral elements in fodder 1
- The insects observed in the medicinal herbs in the Lublin province 1
- The intensity of mechanical cultivation measures vs. the amount of weed seeds in the soil 1
- The intensity of microflora development in the soils in the rotation of Williams 1
- The international cooperation of the health service during the second world - war 1
- The investigation concerning the pectin value of the apple pomace coming from various periods of industrial apple processing 1
- The investigations of agricultural utility of awnless bromegrass scotypes (Bromus inermis Leyss.) 1
- The investigations of the fauna of grubs at the outskirts of the forest „Runa” near Puławy 1
- The investigations of the labour expenditure of mineral fertilizer broadcasting in RZD Felin 1
- The in vitro acquired drug resistance of Salmonella enteritidis isolated from poultry 1
Displaying records 5841-5860 of 7951 in total