- The value of pigs raised in central-eastern Poland in production crossbreeding 1
- The Value of roentgenological examination in case of enzootic bronchopneumonia in pigs 1
- The variability of yielding of two varieties of spring barley as influenced by mineral fertilizing and sowing quantity 1
- The Vestibular nuclei of the vagoauditory nerve in the camel (Camelus dromedarius L.) 1
- The veterinary school in Buraków, near Warsaw and its director dr Adam Antoni Radnicki 1
- The vitreous remnants ef the eye 1
- The weight of deer buck carcases during the hunting season 1
- The wild population of the American mink Neogale vison in the south-eastern Poland 1
- The world - wide action against the alcoholizm in the period between the two world wars 1
- The X-ray picture in case of cysticercosis 1
- The yield and chemical composition of milk in cows kept in different darms of the Lublin Region 1
- The yielding and botanical composition of the greennes growth of a newly established meadow depending on the level of fertilization with mineral elements and dungstead 1
- The yielding and certain biological properties of the ecotypes of meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis L.) from the Lublin area 1
- The yielding and fodder value of the more important meadow communities in the Czarny Potok valley near Zamość 1
- The yielding and quality of buckwheat seeds depending on the manner of cultivation 1
- The yielding and selected biological features of the ecotypes of cooksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) 1
- The yielding and some qualitative parameters for a few varieties of sugar beet depending on mineral fertilization and sowing material 1
- The yielding and technological quality of the roots of a few varieties of sugar beet in relation to the pre-sowing seed stimulation 1
- The yielding and weed infestation of horse-bean after the lost winter crops. Part II. Weed infestation of horse-bean 1
- The yielding and weed infestation of horse-bean after the lost winter crops. Part I. The yielding of horse-bean 1
Displaying records 6081-6100 of 7951 in total