- The usefulness of serological tests for detection of Salmonella enteritidis antibodies in poultry muscle juice 1
- The use of Cultar in apple orchard 1
- The use of frisian-holstein bulls in cattle improvement on individual and state farms in the Lublin region 1
- The Use of levamisole in prophylaxis of mastitis in sheep 1
- The use of multiple regression method for evaluation of rough feed production profitability 1
- The use of oats extruderates for the production of biscuits 1
- The use of polyuretane foam in immobilization of the mycelium of Trichoderma reesei 1
- The use of streptomycin and penicillin in the diagnostic vaccination of white mice for rabies 1
- The use of the leukergy test for the detection of inapparent infections in laboratory animals 1
- The use of the provocation test of leukergy with tuberculin in eye diseases 1
- The use pesticides in the mountain apple orchards 1
- The utility of keratin-bark-ureal fertilizer for fertilizing the black currant plantations 1
- The utility of rye ground in broiler chicks nutrition 1
- The utility of yellow lupine and horse bean ground in broiler chicks nutrition 1
- The utility of yellow lupine, pea and broad bean ground as well as rapeseed „OO” meal solvent for broiler chicks during the finishing period of fattening 1
- The utilization of inorganic or organic nitrogen by leguminous plants at various C:N ratios in the plants. Part II. Amino acids as a nitrogen source for some leguminous plants 1
- The utilization of inorganie or organic nitrogen by leguminous plants at various C:N ratios in the plants. Part I. Influence of glucose applied by way of leaves on the utilization of mineral nitrogen and urea by some leguminous plants 1
- The Value of clinical examination and of selected laboratory methods for diagnosingpyelonephritis in cattle. II. The Level of electrolytes (Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Cl)in blood serum 1
- The Value of clinical examination and of selected laboratory methods for diagnosing pyelonephritis in ccattle. Part. I. The Clinical picture of the disease, changes in urine, the urea and creatinine level and value of the xanthoprotein test 1
- The value of matriconditioned seeds of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) after one year Storage. Part I. Speed and capability of emergence and vigour of seedlings 1
Displaying records 6061-6080 of 7951 in total