- Prognostic significance of production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF α) in culture of leukaemic blasts of type M4 and M5 after FAB 1
- Progress in the control and eradication infectious diseases 1
- Project of land-use system on eroded chernosyems at Werbkowice 1
- Projekt funkcjonowania pracowni weterynaryjnej oceny jakości mleka surowego w Łomży 1
- Projekt układu pól na erodowanych czarnoziemach w Werbkowicach 1
- Proliferacy of some segetal weed species in a canopy of different field crops on light and heavy soils 1
- Prolificacy, height and ability of producing shoots on some weed species growing among crop plants 1
- Properties of isolated Bactoeroides nodosus strains against foot-rot vaccine prepared for sheep 1
- Properties of purified pepsinogen from sheep duodenum juice 1
- Prophylaxis of Infant Tuberculosis (from the point of view of social hygiene) 1
- Prophylaxis of subclinical mastitis in ewes 1
- Propionyl erythromycin lauryl sulfate: acute toxicity test and subacute test 1
- Proporcje i związki między rozmiarem powierzchni paszowej a poziomem produkcji roślinnej i zwierzęcej 1
- Proporcje masy oczu, mózgu i masy ciała u różnych typów rasowych koni 1
- Proportion of the weight of eyes, brain and body in various breed types of horses 1
- Proportions and relationships between the size of fodder area and level of vegetable and animal production 1
- Proprieties of tree components of the beech forests (Fagetum zamosciense) and the list of common species of micologic flora invading trees 1
- Proste metody określania wodotrwałości agregatów glebowych 1
- Protective effect of antagonistic microorganisms in limiting of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) roots diseases 1
- Protective effect of microbiological dressing of pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.) against pathogenic fungi living in the soil 1
Displaying records 4201-4220 of 7949 in total