- Okres przebywania chwastów w łanie a plonowanie buraka cukrowego 1
- Okres utrzymywania się atenuowanego i zjadliwego wirusa myksomatozy w tkankach królików 1
- Oliwa dolna — nucleus olivarius inferior — świni 1
- Oliwa (nucleus olivaris) kozy (Capra domestica) 1
- Oliwa (nucleus olivaris) niektórych Microtidae (Rodentia) 1
- Ołów i kadm w wybranych tkankach i narządach psów z różnych środowisk oraz diagnostyczna wartość tych oznaczeń 1
- On haemolysins of E. coli haemolytica (porcellorum) 1
- On helminthofauna of the foxes in the Lublin voivodships territory 1
- O niejednorodnym błędzie w analizie wariancji dla kwadratu łacińskiego w modelu z pojedynczo rozszczepionymi poletkami 1
- On one-to-one correspondence between sums of squares and degrees of freedom in the variance analysis 1
- On the heterogeneous error of split plot design in latin square 1
- On the histopathology of some organs in chicken pest 1
- On the influence exerted by gestation on the weight of the body and of the organs of females in white mice 1
- On the influence exerted by ultraviolet radiation on viability of poultry. Growth of ducklings from irratiated eggs 1
- On the influence exerted by ultraviolet radiation on viability of poultry. Part I. Irradiating eggs during incubation 1
- On the influence of heat on the descent of testicles 1
- On the Nature of Pain 1
- On the possibility of using Melilotus albus as pasture food for sheep 1
- On the Role of proteinase and antibiotic produced by Bacillus larvae in pathogenesis of americanfoulbrood 1
- On the treatment of traumatic wounds of the urinary bladder 1
Displaying records 3561-3580 of 7951 in total