- Farmakodynamiczne właściwości kumaryny I Wpływ kumaryny na czynność izolowanego serca żaby 1
- Farmakokinetyka sulfametazyny w normalnej i zaburzonej funkcji nerek 1
- Farmakologiczne badania fenylobutazonu 1
- Fattening and slaughter values of pig hybrids with Pulawska breed contribution 1
- Fattening capacity and slaughter value in bull calves of different genotypes fed with standard mixtures O-1 and O-2 with briquettes from whole lupin plants. Part 1. Fattening capacity and slaughter value 1
- Fattening of lowland black and white bulls to the mass of over 400 kg with the use of horse bean, rapeseed and pea in protein food 1
- Fattening usefulness and slaughter value of black-and-white cattle in Vilnius Region, Lithuania 1
- Fattening value of hybrids of the first and second generation of the puławski swine with other breeds 1
- Fatty acid composition in the tissues of pigs fed on the diets containing residual rapeseed oil with different protein level 1
- Fauna mszyc na Spiraea vanhoutte Ziabel. w Lublinie 1
- Feasibility of winter cultivation of cabbage as shown by experiments conducted in Skierniewice 1
- Feeding and food contamination, and human health 1
- Feeding efficiency of cows on large farms 1
- Feeding efficiency of pigs on individual farms 1
- Feeding of cows on individual farms as compared with the Norm of Feeding Farm Animals 1
- Feeding of dairy cows by French system INRA 1988 1
- Feeding of dairy cows with different protein and energy level in diets 1
- Feeding value of grass from meadows of the upper section of the Tyśmienica River, in the region of the Wieprz – Krzna Canal 1
- Feline urologic syndrome( SUK). Sonographic findings 1
- Fenologia ostrożenia polnego w zasiewach bobiku 1
Displaying records 2081-2100 of 7884 in total