- Influence of Poa pratensis roots added to the substrate on emergence and initial growth and development of some grass species 1
- Influence of potassium fertilization on the nectar yield of Dracocephalum moldavicum L. 1
- Influence of quality of feed protein on reserve fat in fattening pig 1
- Influence of raw grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) seeds on the growing-finishing pigs blood biochemical indicator 1
- Influence of Reglone on the yield of alfalfa and on the condition of its plantation 1
- Influence of rootstock on flowering and yielding of apple trees cv. 'Szampion' 1
- Influence of seeding time on the biology of flowering and nectar production in Dracocephalum moldavicum L. Part I 1
- Influence of selected factors on the health state of udders of cows bred in public sector 1
- Influence of shapeliness of air bulbils of winter garlic (Allium sativum L.) on the morphological features and quality of plants 1
- Influence of SO2 and NH3 on the yield of selected forage grasses in the first and second years of vegetation 1
- Influence of SO2 and products of the reaction of SO2 with NH3 on the process of vegetation, yielding and paralysis of winter rye and spring wheat with some diseases 1
- Influence of soil humidity on the growth, yield and quality of the raw material of shop valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) 1
- Influence of soil type on yield and some quality traits of brussels sprout 1
- Influence of somatotrophic hormone (STH) on the level of antibodies during immunization of rabbits with Erysipelothria insidiosa 1
- Influence of some antibiotics on lactic acid bacteria 1
- Influence of some factors on occurrence frequency of cows with varying somatic cells counts in full-lactation milk in herds of Lublin region 1
- Influence of some factors on the health state of udders in cows bred in individual farms of Zamość voivodeship 1
- Influence of some factors on the result of catch crop cultivation in mid-eastern Poland. Part II. Stubble regrowth crops 1
- Influence of some factors on the result of catch crop cultivation in mid-eastern Poland. Part I. Winter regrowth crops 1
- Influence of some herbicides on photosynthesis and respiration of crop plants and weeds. II. Correlation between the action of Atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropyloamino-S-triazine) and external conditions 1
Displaying records 2541-2560 of 7951 in total