- Influence of some herbicides on photosynthesis and respiration of crop plants and weeds. III. Action of Linuron (N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-metoxy-N-methylurea) and Tenoran (N'-4(4-chloroiihenoxy) phenyl-N,N-dimethylurea) 1
- Influence of some herbicides on photosynthesis and respiration of crop plants and weeds. IV. The action of Burex (1-phenyl-4-amino-5-chloro-6-ketopirydazine) 1
- Influence of some herbicides on photosynthesis and respiration of crops plants and weeds. I. Atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-izopropyl-amino-S-triazine) 1
- Influence of some herbs on performance of pigs end their meet quality 1
- Influence of some leguminous crops (spring vetch, field pea, grasspea, flatpod peavine) on the yield of winter wheat 1
- Influence of some meteorological factors on the structure of the yield of barley 1
- Influence of some phosphorus and carbon compounds on binding of atmospheric nitrogen by azotobacter 1
- Influence of some plant growth regulators on the content and distribution of pectin substances in the stems and leaves of tomato plants 1
- Influence of some preparations applied into the udder on the pH, microscopic cellular appearance, california mastitis test and on the content of catalase and chlorides in milk 1
- Influence of some properties of soils formed from the formations of central polish glaciation on their content of available phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and manganese 1
- Influence of spacing and hoeing on the quantity and quality of the yield of valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) 1
- Influence of spacing and mineral fertilizing on the yield and quality of tobacco plant grown in light soils 1
- influence of spacing and ridging on the yield of (Helianthus tuberosus L.) 1
- Influence of spacing, number of plants and height of seedlings on the yield of fennel (Foeniculum capillaceum Gilib.) 1
- Influence of spacing on some morphological features and yield of chickpea cultivated in south Poland's meteorological conditions 1
- Influence of spring wheat sowing density and agrotechnical level on structure of weed infestation of the crop canopy 1
- Influence of subacute poisoning with E 605 — Emulsion (Bayer) on some indices of blood cloting system in rabbits 1
- Influence of substrate, nitrogen and potassium fertilization on yield and chemical composition of broad-bean 1
- Influence of substratum acidity on the growth and development of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Mnch.) 1
- Influence of subtotal Thyroidectomy in cases of goitre with coexisting cardiac diseases 1
Displaying records 2561-2580 of 7951 in total