- Influence of the method of subsoiling, fertilizing and rotation of plants on the organic substance of pseudopodsolic soil formed of loess 1
- Influence of the method of tillage and of the level of mineral fertilization on the weedery of winter wheat and sugar beets grown on the soil formed from loess 1
- Influence of the number of bacteria on some physico-chemical characteristics of brines and pickled meat under experimental conditions 1
- Influence of the number o f the litter from sow-dams and daughter of the large white Polish breed on their reproductive performance 1
- Influence of the out-door system of management on the increase of the body weight, general condition and blood picture of piglings 1
- Influence of the polymorphic interaction of GH locus on Value of Sows reproduction performance 1
- Influence of the size of harvested fruits on the crop productivity of zucchini grown from seed sowing directly in the field 1
- Influence of the size of seed tubers on the yield of (Helianthus tuberosus L.) 1
- Influence of the sources of carbon and nitrogen in the culture medium on the antibiotic activity of milk Streptococci 1
- Influence of the spraying with the solutions of indoleacetic acid (IAA) on the chemical composition of leaves and sprouts of the apple tree of spartan cultivar with different fertilization levels 1
- Influence of the trunk height on flowering of sour cherry cultivar North Star 1
- Influence of the urea herbicides: Aresin, Patoran and Eptapur on the germination of the seeds of some cultivated plants 1
- Influence of time of applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizing on the yield of bug meadows 1
- Influence of transportation distance on the post-slaughter quality of porkers 1
- Influence of treatment with two kinds of montmorillonit-clinoptilolite preparation on health conditions and some productive indexes in swines 1
- Influence of ultra-violet rays on some properties of lactic acid bacteria 1
- Influence of varied feeding of the sows using naked oats on their reproduction performance as well as fattening and slaughter values 1
- Influence of various doses of calcium on the growth, yield and raw material quality of shop valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) 1
- Influence of various grains in pig feed on performance carcass fatness and fatty acid composition 1
- Influence of various strains of Rhizobium japonicum on the growth and yield of two varieties of soybean 1
Displaying records 2601-2620 of 7951 in total