- Analysis and estimation of dressage competitions as breeding performance testing of riding horses 1
- Analysis of biometric and utility traits and their genetic determinations in Sokółka stallions 1
- Analysis of changes in the body constitution and milking capacity indices in the first three lactations in black and white and in crossbreed cows 1
- Analysis of content and chemical composition of essential oil from two forms of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) 1
- Analysis of contents and chemical composition of essential oil obtained from sage herb (Salvia officinalis L.) cv. 'Bona' in the first year of cultivation 1
- Analysis of food basis and nutritive value of bulky feeds applied in the feeding of farm-bred cows in Lublin region 1
- Analysis of keeping and utilization conditions of boars in some regions of mass breeding 1
- Analysis of meadow flora from the Mogilnica river valley 1
- Analysis of phenotypic variability and selection difference in traits of reproduction performance for PL sows from nucleus herd in Pukarzów from breeding district in Lublin 1
- Analysis of population of bull-calf mothers in Poland tn 1994-1996 1
- Analysis of purchase and transportation of slaughter pigs within the activity region of meat factory in Zamość in 1980—1982 1
- Analysis of relative growth of piglets born prematurely after hormonal induction by sows fed standard or oiled mixture 1
- Analysis of reproduction results and intravitam evaluation of Polish White Lop-eared boars in one herd 1
- Analysis of reproduetive use of breeding sows on commercial farms in the central-eastern macroregion of Poland. Part 1. Distribution range and breeding value of sows 1
- Analysis of reproduetive use of breeding sows on commercial farms in the central-eastern macroregion of Poland. PartI lI. Reproductive performance and reasons for sows rejection 1
- Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism mtDNA in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) 1
- Analysis of sale frequency of pregnant sows for slaughter 1
- Analysis of sewage treatment efficiency in domestic wastewater treatment plants with a ground/plant /bed 1
- Analysis of sex share in litters from which reproduction breeding sows of PL breed originated and the connection of litter traits with reproduction performance of sows reared by them 1
- Analysis of skin tumours in dogs 1
Displaying records 221-240 of 7951 in total