- An attempt at delimitation of regions of cattle meat production by means of punctual method 1
- An attempt at determining field water-consumptiion by some crops in relation to meteorological conditions in the years 1967–1968. Part I. Cereals 1
- An attempt at determining field water-consumption by some cultivated plants according to meteorological conditions in the years 1963-1968. Part II. Peas, red clover and potatoes 1
- An attempt at determining the size of practical rations of white fodder lupin meal for fattening pigs 1
- An attempt at determining the suitability of industrial and mining waste material for increasing the sorption capacity of sandy soil 1
- An attempt at evaluating the financial value of fatteners using the EUROP method of classification in the Jarosław Meat factory 1
- An attempt at evaluating the reproductive potential of the Puławski sows reared on individual farms 1
- An Attempt at evaluation of iron metabolism in the blue fox (Alopex lagopus) in the light of experiments with Ferredex Preparation 1
- An attempt at the application of Lochhead's quantitative-qualitative method in studies on the influence of pesticides on soil bacteria 1
- An attempt at the establishment of breed specificity of sperm antigenes of bulls in Poland 1
- An attempt at using milk powder in feeding twin lambs 1
- An attempt for determination of relations between type traits and milk yield of black-white breed cows 1
- An attemp to analyze the computer technology of the production of bulky feeds 1
- An attempt of determining the economic significance of Diptera infesting cereals in the province Lublin 1
- An attempt of determining the intensity of water erosion on the Loess Soils of the Agricultural Experimental Station Elizówka 1
- An attempt of determining the productive ability in red polish cattle on the basis of blood composition. Part Ist. Haemoglobin percentage, number of erythrocytes and blood dry mass content as related to milk production and live wight in adult cows of the Red Polish breed 1
- An attempt of estiamating the breeding value of State Stallions based on the example of stallion 46 „Łysy Pan” 1
- An attempt of estimating the influence of soil erosion upon the loss of plant nutrients in a loess area 1
- An attempt to characterize damages of Varroa jacobsoni Oud. body collected from winter hive debris 1
- An attempt to determine the actual range of copulation centres with state and licenced stallions in the Lublin province 1
Displaying records 261-280 of 7951 in total