- Alergeny wziewne a rozwój występujących sezonowo oraz utrzymujących się stalezmian skórnych typu eczema atopica u psów 1
- Alergizacja gronkowcowa w przebiegu ropnych zmian skórnych u psów 1
- Algae in the coastal sites of two lakes lyingin the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake District 1
- A link of rotation: rye as winter aftercrop succeeded by potatoes under different edaphic conditions. Part III. The effect of link of rotation depending upon dates of harvest aftercrop, amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and potato varieties 1
- A link of rotation: rye as winter aftercrop succeeded by potatoes under different edaphic conditions. Part II. The effects of different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer planting dates on the yield of some new potato varieties used as animal feed 1
- A link of rotation: rye as winter aftercrop succeeded by potatoes under different edaphic conditions. Part I. The effect of different nitrogen levels and harvest time on the yield of rye 1
- Allergic reaction in cattle infected with brucellosis and in those vaccinated with S19 1
- Allergy to chemical compounds as the reason of natural cases of contact eczema with dogs 1
- Allergy to flea allergens the essential reason of occurrence of allergic cutaneous inflammation in dogs 1
- Alluvial Soils in the Wisłoka river Valley 1
- Alluvial soils of San river near Nisko and Rudnik 1
- Alternaria and Cladosporium sensitization in patients with allergic rhinitis 1
- Ambrosia and iva pollen in the air of Lublin and Lvov 1
- Ambrosia pollen grains in aeroplancton of Wrocław 1
- Ambrozja w aeroplanktonie Wrocławia 1
- A method of determining the coefficient of soil permability 1
- A method of estimation of judging at dressage competitions in the view of breeding 1
- Aminy biogenne w kiełbasach surowych typu polska wędzona 1
- Aminy biogenne w serach podpuszczkowych pleśniowych typu brie i camembert 1
- Ammonia emission from poultry manure under different temperature conditions 1
Displaying records 141-160 of 7951 in total