- Immunologiczne właściwości tylnego odcinka oka. I. Ciałko szkliste 1
- Immunomodulative effect of cimetidine on porcine T lymphocytes in vitro 1
- Immunomodulatory effects of antifungal drugs and prospects in therapy of chalkbrood of the honey bee 1
- Immunomodulujące działanie in vitro cymetydyny na limfocyty T otrzymane z krwi obwodowej świń 1
- Immunophenotype of lymphocytes in blood and broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BAL) in patients with sarcoidosis 1
- Immunoprofilaktyka bakteryjnych zakażeń układu oddechowego cieląt 1
- Immunoprophylaxis of bacterial infections respiratory tract of calves 1
- Immunostimulatory effect of glucan 1,3/1,6 and levamisole on cellular and humoral defenses in horses 1
- Immunostimulatory effect of isoprinosine and Mycobacterium chelonae on cellular and humoral defenses in horses 1
- Immunostimulatory effect of levamisole on the nonspecific cellular and humoral defence mechanisms in chickens 2
- Immunostymulujący wpływ glukanu 1,3/1,6 oraz lewamizolu na komórkowe i humoralne mechanizmy obronne u koni 1
- Immunostymulujący wpływ lewamisolu na nieswoiste komórkowe i humoralne mechanizmy obronne u kurcząt 2
- Impact of differentiated energy level in sows feeding at the beginning or in the final period of pregnancy on effects of reproduction 1
- Impact of different maintenance conditions on the lipid profile parameters at fox — Alopex lagopus 1
- Impact of hormonal induction of reproduction processes in sows on reproduction indicators 1
- Impact of protein feeds on reproductive performance of gilts 1
- Importance of vegetables and fruit in civilisation-related therapy 1
- Inbred indexes of pure Arabian breed horses at the stud of Białka 1
- Inbred indexes of pure Arabian breed horses at the stud of Janów Podlaski 1
- Inbred indexes of pure Arabian breed horses at the stud of Kurozwęki 1
Displaying records 2401-2420 of 7884 in total