- Studies on the flowering of cultivar 'Jonagold' and its four sports buddings on M9 1
- Studies on the fungicidal activity of fungicides on Phomopsis viticola Sacc. causing bark necrosis of grape-vine 1
- Studies on the fungicidal activity of fungicides on the pathogenic fungi for ginseng american (Panax quinquefolium L.) 1
- Studies on the growth and development of strelitzia population (Strelitzia reginae Banks) 1
- Studies on the growth and milk productivity of Polish black and white crossbreeds and those originating from Holstein-Frisian bulls 1
- Studies on the growth of the lambs of the Polish long-wool sheep 1
- Studies on the healing of the wounds of the rumen after rumenotomy in cattle 1
- Studies on the infection of frogs, fishes, cray fishes and axolotls 1
- Studies on the Influence of crop plants on azotobacter. Part I. Characteristics of azotobacter strains isolated from the rhizosphere of crop plants 1
- Studies on the influence of crop plants on azotobacter. Part II. Changes in azotobacter properties under the influence of passaging on plant roots 1
- Studies on the influence of lower ranges of frequency of audible continuous sounds on the growth of seedlings of the two wheat varieties: „Opolska” (spring variety) and „Dańkowska Biała” (winter variety) 1
- Studies on the influence of prolonged application of herbicides on the growth and fruiting of apple trees 1
- Studies on the influence of the harvesting methods on wheat seed 1
- Studies on the influence of vitamin B₁, B₂, B₆ and folic acid on the absorption of vitamin C in the chickens 1
- Studies on the intradermo-allergic test in the Diagnosis of canine leptospirosis by means of PK leptospirin 1
- Studies on the land consumption of pig raising depending on the models of feeding them on individual farms 1
- Studies on the leucocytosis-promoting factor 1
- Studies on the localization of the autonomic nerve centres innervating seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands in the ram (Ovis aries) 1
- Studies on the mechanism of glucose metabolism E. coli. 1
- Studies on the mechanism of leukergy 1
Displaying records 5081-5100 of 7951 in total