- A comparison of efficiency of a few grass mixtures in the conditions of differentiated many year-nitrogen fertilization of the meadows on peat-muck soils 1
- A comparison of milk polymorphism in cows from individual farms and experimental stations of Agricultural University 1
- A comparison of milk yield and milk chemical composition of cows of BW, Jersey and F₁ (B&W x Jersey) crossbreds with special consideration to milk protein polymorphism 1
- A comparison of more important morphological features and the content of nicotine in the leaves of the selected tobacco varieties of the nicotiana kind 1
- A comparison of slaughter value of fattened wether lambs and rams of the Polish long-wooled sheep 1
- A comparison of the content of hemicellulose, cellulose, lignine and the content of crude fibre in green forages, hay and silages from meadow grass and alfalfa 1
- A comparison of the effects of the location of phosphorusand nitrogen fertilization of the dark cigarette tobacco 1
- A comparison of the F₁ crosses caucasian bees with F₁ crosses buckfast bees under the nectar flow conditions at the area of northern art of the Lublin region 1
- A comparison of the slaughter value in light and thickened horses 1
- A comparison of the value of productive varietes with hop populations of local and foreign origin in 1953 1
- A comparison of two modes of production of celery stecklings 1
- A comparison of utility value of purebred arabian horses raised in different breeding centers in the years 1988-1997 1
- A comparsion of physical properties of soil after five years lucerne in mixtures with grasses and in pure cultures, and their value as preceding crops 1
- A concept of solving the problem of operative planning of transportation in agriculture. Part II. A review of the methods used so far to solve transportation problems in agriculture 1
- A concept of solving the problem of operative planning of transportation in agriculture. Part III. A proposition of a system of operative planning of transportation 1
- A concept of solving the problem of operative planning of transportation in agriculture. Part I. The basic transportation problems in agricultural production on the example of the Zamość region 1
- A concept of solving the problem of operative planning of transportation in agriculture. Part IV. Verification of the method on the example of the purchase of grain crops in the Zamość region 1
- A consecutive influence of many-year application of mineral fertilizers on the yielding of plants in a four-course rotation 1
- A Contribution to studies on paresis spastica in cattle 1
- A contribution to the biology of the Staub's strain of Erysipelas rhusiopathiae 1
Displaying records 41-60 of 7949 in total