- Procesy erozyjne w zlewni rzeki Ciemięgi 1
- Procesy mikrobiologiczne w glebach przybrzeżnych dwóch jezior Pojezierza Łęczyńsko-Włodawskiego 1
- Procesy peroksydacyjne w gruczolakorakach żołądka u człowieka 1
- Procesy sorpcyjno-desorpcyjne cynku w glebach 1
- Prochymosin and pepsinogen concentrations and electrophoretic study of asbomasal mucosa extractsof three breeds of Iambs 1
- Prochymosin and pepsinogen concentrations and proteolyti fractions examination by electrophoresis inabomasal mucosa of lambs development 1
- Prochymosin variants in the abomasa of calves and milk protein variants of their mothers 1
- Procreation indexes of elite małopolski mares conditioned by successive procreation season 1
- Procreation season, sexual cycle and oestrus in lowland sheep 1
- Production and processing of feeding stuffs at the plant cultivation station at Ulhówek. Part I. Energy and protein processing efficiency in cattle and swine breeding 1
- Production and processing of feeding stuffs at the plant cultivation station at Ulhówek. Part II. Organization and efficiency of fodder area 1
- Production and utilization of green forages in the farms of central-east region of Poland specializing in rearing dairy cattle 1
- Production efficiency of slaughter beef depending on some elements of feeding organization on commercial farms in 1974-1984 1
- Production of „Felin Ponies” of general utility. Part I. Conditions breeding assumptions and production 1
- Production of „Felin Ponies” of general utility. Part II. Characteristcs of applied and intended matings and initial material 1
- Production of „Felin Ponies” of general utility. Part III. Natural mating of individuals of different size 1
- Production of slaughter horses in Poland and potential possibilities in this respect 1
- Production results of white and black-and-white muscovy ducks fed with different feed mixtures 1
- Productivity and utilization of basic macroelements of spinach depending on the colour of the light 1
- Productivity and utilization of basic nutrients introduced with cattle slurry and mineral fertilizers into dried meadow 1
Displaying records 4141-4160 of 7951 in total