- The microbiological examination of milk samples results conducted in the Northern Great-Polandregion during the bovine mastitis control 1
- The modification effect of age for ethological reactions of purebred arabian horse 1
- The Morphology and topography of fimbria hippocampi and fornix in cow 1
- The morphology and topography of formatio hippocampi in the polar fox (Alopex lagopus) 1
- The movement of water-soluble phosphate (P-32) in soils with different sorption properties 1
- The mycorrhiza of corn plants p. I. Oats 1
- The nature of histopathological changes in the cerebrum and spinal chord in sheep infected with the fixed virus of rabies 1
- The Nervous accessory ganglions in some plexuses and walls of thorax organs of the sheep 1
- The Nuciei of the cerebellum of Alopex lagopus 1
- The nuclei of the anterior part of the medulla obionzata and the pons Varoli of the horse 1
- The nuclei of the anterior part of the medulla oblongata and pons of the brain of cattle 1
- The nuclei of the anterior part of the medulla oblongata and pons of the sheep and goat 1
- The Nuclei of the anterior part of the medulla oblongata and pons Varoli in the pig 1
- The Nuclei of the anterior part of the Medulla Oblongata and pons Varoli of some Microtidae (Rodentia) 1
- The nuclei of the septal area in the sheep 1
- The number and growth dynamics of aphids on the bushes of chaenomeles japonica Lindl. in Lublin 1
- The number of the occurrence and the species composition of aphids on the shrubs of Spiraea salicifolia L. in the Academic Park in Lublin 1
- The nutrition value of lucerne and of hybrid lucerne protein (Medicago media Pers) 1
- The nutritive value of urea treated maize straw in sheep nutrition 1
- The Occurrence of bacterial allergy in showing purulent focal infections allergic cutaneous discases in dogs 1
Displaying records 5841-5860 of 7883 in total