- Antropozoonozy wywoływane przez pasożyty ryb 1
- Antygrzybicza aktywność nowego preparatu jodoforowego 1
- Anwendung verschiedener Medikamente gegen Varroatose 1
- Aphids colonising the bushes of Spiraea vanhouttei Zabel. in Lublin 1
- Aphids Colonising the Bushes of Spiraea vanhouttei Zabel. in Lublin 1
- Aphids (Homoptera, Aphidodea) inhabiting the shrubs of Spiraea japonica L. in the city green areas. Part I. Dynamics of population 1
- Aphids (Homoptera, Aphidodea) inhabiting the shrubs of Spiraea japonica L. in the city green areas. Part II. Domination and frequency of aphids, their predators and injuries caused by aphids 1
- Aphids inhabiting certain ornamental shrubs in urban conditions 1
- Apidaecins and lysozyme in the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) from environment nonheavily contaminated with heavy metals 1
- Aplication of sensory profiling method to estimate the quality of tomato fruits 1
- Apomiksja-aktualna problematyka badań w zakresie embriologii i genetyki molekularnej 1
- Apomixis-current research in plant embryology and molecular genetics 1
- Applicability of cyanoacrylic glue for dressing renal parenchyma wounds following surgery 1
- Application of chromium ⁵¹Cr to radioimmunoassay for labelling pituitary tropic hormones 1
- Application of different drugs for control of varroasis in Poland 1
- Application of gibrescol in the production of cherry trees of Łutówka cultivar on mahaleb cherry (Prunus mahaleb L.) 1
- Application of indicators methods in evaluation of green forage of pasture intake by sheep 1
- Application of pneumatic separation of dried material of rye for green fodder in a vertical air flow 1
- Application of serological reactions with vaginal mucus for differentiating between cattle inoculated with S19 and cattle infected with brucellosis under natural conditions 1
- Application of the live and post slaughter methods to estimate slaughter value for cattle 1
Displaying records 341-360 of 7950 in total