- Evaluation of dependence between carcass quality and some qualities of muscular tissue of lambs 1
- Evaluation of energy and protein nutrition of cows in dairy farms of central eastern Poland in the spring - summer period 1
- Evaluation of energy and protein nutrition of dairy cows in dairy farms of central-east Poland. Summer-autumn period 1
- Evaluation of energy and protein nutrition of dairy cows in dairy farms of central-east Poland. Winter period 1
- Evaluation of equine colour perception 1
- Evaluation of extruded-cooking sida meal (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby) digestibility in ruminants nutrition 1
- Evaluation of fattening and slaughter traits in swine of Pulawska, PLW and Duroc hybrids 1
- Evaluation of fattening and slaughter utility of bull breed from State Animal Insemination Centre of the Lublin province 1
- Evaluation of flowering and possibilities of cultivation of taxon Leonotis-selected under conditions of Western Pomerania 1
- Evaluation of flowering of 80 plum cultivars and their classification in regard to the season of blooming 1
- Evaluation of flowering of 80 sweet cherry cultivars and their classification in regard to the season of blooming 1
- Evaluation of flowering of 90 sour cherry cultivars and their classification in regard to the season of blooming 1
- Evaluation of fungicidal action of some new biologically active compounds from the TBKD group and NH- radical substitued O-alkylcarbamate 1
- Evaluation of healthiness of shallot bulbs stored in different conditions 1
- Evaluation of interdependence between slaughter value and meat quality traits in porkers from Lublin region 1
- Evaluation of Kosulvit (TMP-sulphamethazine Combination)as a treatment for american foulbrood disease of honey bees resistantto Polisulfamid 1
- Evaluation of linuron, prometryne and trifluralin for weed control in carrot cultivated in the north-western region of Algeria 1
- Evaluation of mercaptans emission over the egg incubation process 1
- Evaluation of oestrus sexual activity and actual fertility of the Pulawska gilts 1
- Evaluation of potential selection difference in reproductive performance of Polish Large White breeding sows in the Lublin Region 1
Displaying records 2001-2020 of 7951 in total