- Evaluation of reproduction performance, slaughter value and meat sensory quality of crosses with Siamense pig blood share 1
- Evaluation of reproductive condition of drones bred in families infested with Varroa jacobsoni Oud. 1
- Evaluation of reproductive performance of breeding sows by regional station of animal breeding in Lublin 1
- Evaluation of resistance pattern of Salmonella spp. isolated from poultry to fluoroquinolones 1
- Evaluation of Saddle-horses' predisposition to dressage event. Part II. Characteristics and evaluation of leading dressage-horses with the authors' own method 1
- Evaluation of Saddle-horses' predisposition to dressage event. Part l. Working out the diagram and pattern of the valuation index 1
- Evaluation of Salmonella rods in the poultry farm surroundings and their influence on hens' health state 1
- Evaluation of selected faba bean varieties (Vicia faba var. major Harz.) 1
- Evaluation of selection difference referring to reproduction traits of PL sows maintained in Lublin region 1
- Evaluation of slaughter characteristics of carcass "broiler-grill" type from piglet hybrids PL x Siamese 1
- Evaluation of soil structure and physical properties influenced by weather conditions during autumn-winter-spring season 1
- Evaluation of the influence of chosen factors on the milk urea level and other milk traits at cows from individual farms 1
- Evaluation of the potential and true fertility of sows on the Bisprol-6000 type of farm 1
- Evaluation of the rank of sows family groups of a regional subpopulation PL 1
- Evaluation of the relation between protein and fat content in milk from Simental and Black-and-White cattle 1
- Evaluation of the reproductive performance of sows kept in a production piggery 1
- Evaluation of the results of performance traits of Małopolski stallions considering nervous irritability 1
- Evaluation of the suitability of soils of the Rzeszów province for sugar beet growing 1
- Evaluation of the suitability of the soils of the Lublin voivodeship for tobacco culture, on the strength of their present class valuation and yields obtained 1
- Evaluation of the usefulness of different methods of treatment of the infectious foot-rot in sheep in field practice 1
Displaying records 2021-2040 of 7951 in total