- Selected indicators of unspecific immunity in diseases of sheep extremities 1
- Selection for a shorter post-capping period in the honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) 1
- Selection for shorter duration of the post capping phase (pecp) of worker brood of Apis mellifera carnica 1
- Selection of non-conventional yeasts that limit the growth of Penicillium roqueforti fungi posing a threat in bakery products 1
- Selection of the parameters of single disc fertilizer spreader for top dressing of cereal 1
- Selektion auf Verkürzung der Zellverdeckelungsdauer (ZVD) der Arbeiterinnenbrut von Apis mellifera carnica 1
- Selenium deficiency in dairy cows in the central Pomorze region regarding their physiological state 1
- Selenium in the seeds of coarse-seeded pod-bearing plants 1
- Self-regulation of lucerne in relation to the date and density of sowing 1
- Sensitivity in vitro of fungi isolated from clinical cases of bovine mastitis to ketoconazole and nystatin 1
- Sensitivity of domestic cultivars of soybean on salinity by sodium chloride. Part I. Effect of medium salinity on the growth of plants, gas exchange, nodulation of roots and content of sodium and chloride in plants 1
- Sensitivity of domestic cultivars of soybean on salinity by sodium chloride. Part II. Effect of medium salinity on the yield of seeds and content of protein and fat 1
- Sensitivity of the glandular tissue of the cow udder to water solutions and oil suspensions of polifungine derivatives 1
- Sequent effect of nitrogen fertilizing on the suitability of bulbs of tulips for forced cultivation and reproduction 1
- Sero-antigenic properties of polysaccharides from the endospores of Bacillus Larvae (White) 1
- Seroantigenic properties of the somatic polysaccharide extracts of Mycobacterium avium. Part II. Extract activity in agar gel precipitation and in immunoelectrophoresis 1
- Serum aspartate aminotransferase( AST) activity in Arabian horses in different phases of training 1
- Sesonal variations of Alternaria airborne spores in Lublin in 2001-2002 1
- Sex chromatin in neurons of spinal ganglia of some domestic animals 1
- Sex dimorphism in the chick embryo 1
Displaying records 4661-4680 of 7951 in total