- Efekty zdolności kombinacyjnej w potomstwie męsko niepłodnej truskawki (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) 1
- Efekty żywienia prosiąt w zależności od źródła białka paszowego i dodatku premiksu 1
- Effeciency of using vitamin A and D, additives in the rearing of different breeds of pigs 1
- Effeciveness of the generative reproduction of selected perennial species — an assessment 1
- Effectiveness of different levels of calcium, phosphorus and natrium on ossification process in broiler chickens. II. Investigations on Starbro chickens 1
- Effectiveness of different levels of calcium, phosphorus and natrium on ossification process in broiler chickens. I. Investigations on Isa Vedetta chickens 1
- Effectiveness of feeding and production of slaughter hogs in selected individual farms 1
- Effectiveness of feed production and conversion in rearing of cutters in the economic conditions of 1987/1988 1
- Effectiveness of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) seeds in the growing-finishing pig diet 1
- Effectiveness of herbs additive in weaning piglets 1
- Effectiveness of manual pollination in some stapelids species in greenhouse cultivation 1
- Effectiveness of mineral fertilization in state owned agricultural enterprises of the Lublin province 1
- Effectiveness of mineral fertilizing depending upon fertilizing with farmyard manure, quality of soils and sowing structure 1
- Effectiveness of mineral fertilizing in the Agricultural Exprimentał Station of the Agricultural Academy in Lublin 1
- Effectiveness of some antimicrobial agents in elimination of organs carrier of Salmonella enteritidis in broiler chickens 1
- Effectiveness of varied nitrogen fertilization with respect to the method of weeding in a cherry orchard 1
- Effectiveness of yeasted rye in feeding of fattening pigs 1
- Effectivity of nitrogen fertilization on meadows in certain prognostic humidity-soil complexes in the region of the Wieprz-Krzna Canal 1
- Effectivity of Velab probiotic and Avotan antibiotic in rearing of piglets and weaners 1
- Effect of 20 years of utilization of the meadows managed by the method of full cultivation on the formation of plant communities in Chodelska Valley 1
Displaying records 1601-1620 of 7951 in total