- The results of 6-month-rearing of calves fed with different proportions of the herb-mash mixture 1
- The results of field experiments in binding and incising tomato-plants 1
- The results of growth and slaughter traits of pigs according to their growth rate 1
- The results of improvement of dairy cattle in the individual farms of the Zamość District 1
- The results of nitric fertilization of certain cereals on the eroded light soils within the Łęczna-Włodawa plains 1
- The results of rearing of limousin and hereford calves by heifer and multiparous cows 1
- The results of zootechnical inventory of the Polish Konik in 1981 with respect to their breeding use 1
- Thermal sensitivity to heating of some regions in the pig on temperature regulation 1
- Thermostable inhibitors of intestine viruses R3 and R16 of the pig in human and animal sera 1
- The role of adsorbed cations in plant nutrition 1
- The Role of dentition in the pathogenesis of actinomycosis in cattle 1
- The role of flower colour and fragrance as well as nectar and pollen in plant pollination 1
- The Role of grassland for ground water quality protection 1
- The role of grassland in central Slovakia region 1
- The Role of the hypophyseal-suprarenal system in the etiopathogenesisof primary ketosis in cattle 1
- The role played by colloidal particles in storing plant nutritive components in podsolized loamy sands 1
- The Sanitary quality of well water in the uplands 1
- The satellite cells of the spinal ganglia 1
- The search for active lactic bacteria strains 1
- The selection of species for the mixtures with cocksfoot 1
Displaying records 5981-6000 of 7951 in total