- Food value of alfalfa (Medicago media Pers.) correlated to the frequency of mowing. Part I. Content of nutrients in green mass of alfalfa 1
- Food value of alfalfa (Medicago media Pers.) correlated to the frequency of mowing. Part II. Content of nutrients in alfalfa hay and its dependence on the method of drying 1
- Food value of alfalfa (Medicago media Pers.) correlated to the frequency of mowing. Part III. The digestibility of nutrients of alfalfa hay 1
- Formation of agrochemical properties of the light soil after application of sludge 1
- Formation of dry matter of spring barley and spring wheat at the different growth stages 1
- Formation of floristic composition of meadows under the irrigation of waste water 1
- Formation of physical features and of sugar beet yield depending on varied tyre system of the tractor 1
- Formation of reproduction utility of six generations of Polish landrace sows at the breeding centre in Pukarzów 1
- Formation of the floristic composition of sward of newly established pastures under the influence of their utilization 1
- Forms of knuckling of tendinous origin in horses 1
- Formy fosforu, ich udział i przemiany w glebie na przykładzie polskich czarnoziemów 1
- Formy miedzi w glebach Pojezierza Łęczyńsko-Włodawskiego 1
- Formy mnogie acylohydrolazy acylocholiny w osoczu krwi i bezkomórkowych wyciągach wątroby kogutów 1
- Formy szczudłowatości pochodzenia ścięgnowego u koni 1
- Fornix of the pig 1
- Fornix świni 1
- Fosforomierz polowy 1
- Fosforowy efekt nawożenia łąk gnojowicą w różnych warunkach środowiska glebowego 1
- Fotohemotachometric analysis of the effect of Intenkordin on the blood supplyand oxygen uptake by the heart 1
- Fotohemotachometryczna analiza wpływu Intenkordinu na ukrwienie i zaopatrzenie w tlen serca 1
Displaying records 2161-2180 of 7951 in total