- Fotosynteza i wzrost odpornych i wrażliwych na triazyny roślin Erigeron canadensis L. w warunkach zróżnicowanej intensywności światła 1
- Free amino acids in Asarum europaeum L. and Aristolochia clematitis L. 1
- Free aminoacids in the serum, urine and peritoneal fluid of cows affected with lymphatic leukaemia 1
- Frekwencja urodzin źrebiąt w polskich stadninach koni czystej krwi arabskiej w powiązaniu z ich dzielnością wyścigową 1
- Frequency of foalings in Polish studs of pure bred Arabian Horses in connection with their racing achievements 1
- Frequency of occurrence of „Divided Cover” fur defect in fur-bearing animals of canideae family 1
- Frequency of shearing of the sheep in their first period of life, its effect on their growth and production of wool 1
- Frequency of the occurrence of benthos heterotrofic bacteria in two lakes of different levels of trophicity in the Łęczna — Włodawa Lake District 1
- Friction in threshing mechanisms. General analysis of the methods of measuring the friction coefficients, and personal investigations 1
- From studies on social relations in the collectivized estabilishements of the Lublin province 1
- From the studies on the influence of melioration ploughing on the physical and chemical properties of soils formed out of sands 1
- Fruiting phenology of some weed species in sowing of chosen cultivar plants 1
- Functioning of pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L.) population in western Lublin region. I. Effects of introduction 1
- Functioning of pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L.) population in western Lublin region. II. Influence of chosen environmental factors on pheasant population 1
- Function relations between global production, live labour and current and non-current assets in family farms keeping accountancy in 1990 (in central-eastern macroregion) 1
- Funetioniny of ungulates animals in chosen forest compleses in the Lublin area. Part I Characteristics of the groups of unygulate animals 1
- Fungi as a factor causing premature drop of generative organs of the runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) 1
- Fungi causing root and stem rot of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivated in monoculture with regard to aureobasidium pullulans (De Bary) arnaud 1
- Fungi colonizing roots of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) 1
- Fungi colonizing the underground parts of garlic (Allium sativum L.) 1
Displaying records 2181-2200 of 7951 in total