- Parametry genetyczne niektórych cech mleczności i pokroju pierwiastek z gospodarstw indywidualnych środkowo-wschodniej Polski 1
- Parametry ruchu kuców felińskich w wierzchowych próbach dzielności 1
- Parametry ruchu kuców felińskich w zaprzęgu w doświadczalnych probach dzielności 1
- Parasitic contamination of the environment in the vicinity of pig and cattle farm 1
- Parasitologic threat to people's health in the region of carnivorous fur animals 1
- Participation of seeds of monocotyledonous species in weed infestation of crop rotation systems characterized by various grain percentages 1
- Part I. Effect of fresh dungstead fertilization and its transformed forms on microflora of podzolic soil 1
- Part II. Effect of fertilization with fresh dungstead and its transformed forms on enzymatic activity and intensity of biological processes of podzolic soil 1
- Part III. Effect of fertilization with fresh dungstead and its transformed forms on microflora of brown soil 1
- Part IV. Effect of fertilization with fresh dungstead and its transformed forms on the enzymatic activity and intensification of biological processes 1
- Pasture value of jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) under conditions at intensive nitrogen fertlization 1
- Patellar luxation in the dog 2
- Pathological survey on the camels in Algeria 1
- Pathomorphological and histochemical changes in rabbits kidney after local fractional radiatien with cobalt-60 1
- Pathomorphological and histochemical investigation of rat livers in experimental poisoning with lead acetate 1
- Pathomorphological and histochemical investigations on spontaneous arteriosclerosis in dogs 1
- Pathomorphological and histochemical studies on some organs of monkeys immunized against poliomyelitis by inoculation with killed or living virus 1
- Pathomorphological and histochemical studies on the rat kidney in experimental intoxication with mercury 1
- Pathomorphological and histochemical studies on the rat kidney in experimental poisoning with cadmium chloride 1
- Pathomorphological and histochemical studies on the rat kidney in experimental poisoning with lead acetate 1
Displaying records 3661-3680 of 7951 in total