- Topography and structure of motor nuclei of the medulla oblongata in the goat 1
- Topography and structure of nerve nuclei of the medulla oblongata in the coypu (Myocastor coypus Molina) Part I. Motor nuclei of the medulla oblongata in the coypu 1
- Topography and structure of the nerve nuclei of the medulla oblongata of the Coypu (Myocastor coypus Molina) Part II. Sensory nuclei of the medulla oblongata of the coypu 1
- Topography of the motoneurons of median nerve in the spinal cord of sheep 1
- Torfowiska przejściowe i wysokie na Lubelszczyźnie oraz problemy ich ochrony 1
- Total protein, protein fractions and total cholesterol in blood serum of cows after experimental insufflation of the udder 1
- Toxic influence of cadmium on soil and rhizospheres of tomato in different phases of plant growth 1
- Toxicity studies of popular and distilled Xylamite in chickens 1
- Trace elements in the soil and meadow vegetation of the central eastern region of Poland 1
- Trading value of milk depending on the season and the conditions of obtaining in private farms 2
- Transformation of nitrogen in sandy soil enriched with keratin-bark-urea granulate or agramide 1
- Transformations of phosphorus in the soil and the uptake of this element by common cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) in the conditions of differentiated mineral fertilization. Part II. The uptake of phosphorus 1
- Transformations of phosphorus in the soil and the uptake of this element by common cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) in the conditions of differentiated mineral fertilization. Part I. The content of moving forms and fractions of mineral phosphorus in the soil 1
- Transformations of phosphorus in the soil and the uptake of this element by winter rye from the soils fertilized by sludge 1
- Transition and high moors in the Lublin region and the problems involved with their protection 1
- Translocation of potassium, sodium and phosphorus in soil profiles to shallow underground water 1
- Traumatic rupture of the spleen 1
- Trends in scientific studies at the Department and Clinic of Veterinary Surgery, University of Agriculture in Lublin, in Years 1944-1994 1
- Trials of immunoprophylaxis of fascioliasis in the model arrangement rat -Fasciola hepatica 1
- Trial studies on treating podzolic sandy soils with loess 1
Displaying records 6101-6120 of 7883 in total