- Effects of sodium salts of bile acids infusions on bile flow and bile acids secretions in sheep 1
- Effects of soil mulching in the apple tree nursery in the first year after budding 1
- Effects of substitution of soybean meal with repeseed meal "OO" in feeding of sows during pregnancy and lactation. Part I. Biochemical and enzymatic peripheral blood indices 1
- Effects of systematic fertilization with communal sewages of medows in the Wieprz valley 1
- Effects of using probiotic Microferm-Fer in pig fattening 1
- Efferent connections of the nuclei of the intermediate hypothalami region in the sheep 1
- Efficacy and tolerance of lactic acid for therapy of varroasis 1
- Efficacy and toxicity for bees of Bayvarol strips in field tests 1
- Efficacy of injected or orally administered ferric preparation in rearing piglets 1
- Efficacy of microbiological dressing of bean seed (Phaseolus coccineus L.) in conditions of disease risk arising from fungi living in the soil 1
- Efficiency of confounded design and its use in the investigations on the influence of sowing density and nitrogen dressing levels on the yield of four varieties of spring-sown wheat 1
- Efficiency of dairy performance at bulls' daughters in herds of different dairy yield level 1
- Efficiency of fat and fiber feed in feeding of pregnant sows 1
- Efficiency of high doses of ureal preparations in the feeding of dairy cows 1
- Efficiency of increased protein and energy concentrations in the diets for pig crossbreeds of three breeds 1
- Efficiency of milk yield of bw cows and crossbreds with different additions of hf blood 1
- Efficiency of pigs fattening depending on potatoes share in chosen feeding sets 1
- Efficiency of processing potatoes into slaughter pigs on individual farms 1
- Efficiency of production and conversion of feeds into slaughter pigs on individual farms 1
- Efficiency of production and processing potatoes into slaughter pigs on individual farms 1
Displaying records 1841-1860 of 7951 in total