- Estimalon of the changeability of the selected characteristics of the ecotypes of tall oat grass (Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. B.) from south-eastern Poland 1
- Estimate of correlation between milking capacity and contents of basic milk constituents in black and white primiparous cows and in crossbreeds with different proportions of holstein-frisian blood 1
- Estimate of excitability of anglo-arabian licensed stallions 1
- Estimation in vitro of the bacteriostatic, bacteriocidal and antifungal activity of propolis 1
- Estimation of Akrygel KM usefulness as a component of the medium for herbaceous dahlia cuttings rooting 1
- Estimation of breeding progress in dairy features of simental cows utilized at pedigree breeding 1
- Estimation of chemical methods of pink root rot control on leek 1
- Estimation of conformation traits in purebred Arabian horses taking part in national shows according to damlines 1
- Estimation of conformation traits in purebred Arabian horses taking part in national shows according to sirelines 1
- Estimation of content and composition of essential oils occurring in fruits of two varieties of dittany (Dictamnus albus L. cv. Albiflorus and cv. Rosa Purple) 1
- Estimation of differentation of the ascorbic acid level in the muscular tissue of various genetic forms of swine 1
- Estimation of efficiency and milk composition of bulls mothers in the Lublin region in 1992-1995 1
- Estimation of energetic efficiency of selected domains of agricultural production 1
- Estimation of environment pollution in Lublin as exemplified by the content of Pb, Cu, Zn, B, Ni, Cr, V in soils and plants 1
- Estimation of factor X activity in blood plasma of domestic animals with the use of tri-peptide chromogenic substrate 1
- Estimation of interrelations of movement indexes and the properties of nervous irritability in different age groups of purebred Arabian horses 1
- Estimation of mutual relations between the sequence of foaling and racine efficiency in purebred Arabian horses 1
- Estimation of nervous irritability indexes conditioned by inbreeding level of purebred arabian horses. II. Race performance conditioned by degree of nervous balance 1
- Estimation of nervous irritability indexes conditioned by inbreeding level of purebred arabian horses. I. The influence of inbred on the features of nervous irritability and race performance 1
- Estimation of pathomorphological changes of the skin in guinea pigs during experimental infection with Trichophytonm entagrophytes 1
Displaying records 1941-1960 of 7951 in total