- Clinical pattern and pathomorphological studies of Pasteurella multocida experimental mastitis in sheep 1
- Clinical studies on dissociative anaesthesia, epidural anaesthesia and electroanaesthesia applied to gynaecological operation of dogs 1
- Clinical studies on sheep submitted to experimental vagothomy 1
- Coeruloplasmin of the blood plasma and the erythrocyte picture in rabbits with experimental anaemias and polycytaemia 1
- Combining ability effects in the progeny of male sterile strawberry-(Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) 1
- Commercial fattening of pigs coming from free-market purchase of 6-week-old piglets. Part II. A comparison between the results of fattening of early weaned piglets and those from contract purchase 1
- Commercial fattening of pigs coming from free-market purchase of 6-week-old piglets. Part I. Rearing of piglets early weaned from sows on different concentrates 1
- Communities of microorganisms after cultivation of tansy phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Bantham), white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 1
- Comparative analysis of selected dairy-commodity farms 1
- Comparative description of the organic matter of the chernozem soils occurring in Poland 1
- Comparative evaluation of Wielkopolski and Trakehner horses on the basis of reproductive indexes 1
- Comparative examinations on Sedazin, Xylazine, Rompun, Rometar used for sedation in animals 1
- Comparative investigations of total protein content and proteins fractions of the peritoneal fluid and blood serum 1
- Comparative investigations on general anaesthesia of sheep, caused by etomidate and barbiturates 1
- Comparative Investigations on glucose concentration in peripheral blood serum and peritoneal fluid in breeding cows and experimental animals 1
- Comparative morphology of the pollen grains of Pyrus communis L . and Pyrus pyraster (L.) Burgsd. 1
- Comparative pathomorphological and histochemical studies on the rat liver after experimental poisoning with wood impregnants Antox-W and Antox 1
- Comparative studies of blood serum protein separated in polyacrylamide gel in young and old foxes 1
- Comparative studies of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) in the peritoneald fluid and blood serum of clinically healthy cattle 1
- Comparative studies of population development of Varroa jacobsoni in honey bee colonies of different origin 1
Displaying records 1121-1140 of 7951 in total