Zachwaszczenie aktualne i potencjalne zbóż jarych w różnych systemach następstwa roślin
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- Title: Zachwaszczenie aktualne i potencjalne zbóż jarych w różnych systemach następstwa roślin
- Title variant: Present and potential weed infestation of spring cereals in different cropping system
- Journal name:
- Place of issue: Warszawa
- Publication date: 2001
- Volume: 54
- Number of pages: 175-190
- The language of the text: Polski
- Abstract in English: This paper presents the results of investigations on the weed infestation and vertical distribution of weed seed bank in rendzina under spring cereals cultivation in crop rotations and monoculure. Used herbicides (MCPA and Fenoxaprop-P-etylu) decreasd the number of weeds and species composiion in comparsion with harrowing. In the soil layer of 0-25 cm used in the monoculture there was found about 22,9% weed seeds more than in crop rotation. In the canopy of spring cereals the following weeds dominated: in crop rotation - Chenopodium album, Echinochloa crus-galli and Veronica persica; and in monoculture - Stellaria media, Galium aparine and Chenopodium album. In the soil layer of 0-25 cm used in crop rotation and monoculture the following weed seeds dominated: Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album and Stellaria media.
- Comments: il., bibliogr., streszcz., sum.
- Keywords in English:
- DOI: 10.5586/aa.2001.015
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- Publication type: Artykuł w czasopiśmie
- KBN: Praca oryginalna
- Structure:
- Wydział Agrobioinżynierii
- Jednostka Wydziału Rolniczego