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141 records found
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Blooming biology and pollen exposure of horse chestnut trees (Aesculus L.)Kazimiera Szklanowska; Monika Strzałkowskaarticle2000
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Reaction of glasshouse tomato to potassium chloride or sulphate fertilization on various substratesEdward Borowski; Józef Nurzyński; Zenia Michałojćarticle2000
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Aphids colonising the bushes of Spiraea vanhouttei Zabel. in LublinBożenna Jaśkiewiczarticle2000
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Influence of herbs mixture in pigs feeding on performance and some lipid parameters in blood and backfatEugeniusz R. Grelaarticle2000
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The usefulness of serological tests for detection of Salmonella enteritidis antibodies in poultry muscle juiceJerzy Rzedzicki; Józef Pilaszek; Krzysztof Szulowski; Stanisław Tokarzewski; Wojciech Iwaniak; Zdzisław Glińskiarticle2000
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Change and contrast in european food producing systemsTito H. Fernandesarticle2000
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Interferon tau: paracrine mediator of conceptus-maternal dialogue in ruminantsTroy L. Ottarticle2000
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The level of reproductive hormones in sheep with different ovulation rateMirosław Pięta; Ryszard Bobowiec; Urszula Kosior-Korzeckaarticle2000
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New strategies for the gene therapy of solid and metastatic tumoursBrian Salmons; Matthias Renner; Walter H. Günzburgarticle2000
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Autonomic nerve centres for the mammary gland in some species of domestic animalsJanusz Welento; Stanisław Flieger; Zbigniew Boratyńskiarticle2000
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The influence of sex and age on serum catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase activity and production of O2 and H2O2 by human blood neutrophilsAgnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska; Martyna Kandefer-Szerszeńarticle2000
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Pathological survey on the camels in AlgeriaN. Allouiarticle2000
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Comparison of relative level of blood serum protein fractions in raccoon-dogs taking into account their age and reproduction resultsAlicja Wójcik; Andrzej Jakubczak; Grażyna Jeżewska; Grzegorz A. Niezgoda; Janusz Tarkowski; Zofia Rupećarticle1999
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Chemical composition of milk of different genotypes sheepMaria Tietze; Monika Budzyńska; Tadeusz Majewskiarticle1999
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Variability of beef chemical composition with regard to some factors determining it. I. Dry matter and ash contentAnna Litwińczuk; Janina Nowakowska; Joanna Barłowska; Mariusz Florek; Zygmunt Litwińczukarticle1999
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Embryonic mortality in families of chicken selected for skeletal deformitiesGrzegorz Zięba; Janusz Tarkowski; Wiesław Pryszczarticle1999
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Prevalence of motile salmonellae in rasorial fowlsJerzy Rzedzicki; Monika Skowron; Teodora Dudzic; Zdzisław Glińskiarticle1999
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Immune proteins of the honey bee — recent advancesJerzy Rzedzicki; Zdzisław Glińskiarticle1999
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Antibacterial immune response and biological control of agricultural insect pestsJan Jarosz; Zdzisław Glińskiarticle1999
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Relationship of pesticides to insect cell-free immune responseJan Jarosz; Zdzisław Glińskiarticle1999
141 records found