- Appropriate timing for the application of Apitol 1
- Arab koniks until the age of 2 years in the light of experimental studies 1
- Arabo-koniki do wieku 2 lat w świetle próbnych badań 1
- A rapid method of determining potassium and phosphorus in soils and its applying to agricultural practice 1
- A rare case of limited excavation in the optic disc 1
- Architektura łanu nagoziarnistej i oplewionej formy jęczmienia jarego w warunkach zróżnicowanej ochrony zasiewów 1
- A relation between milk yield and growth rate of lambs. Part II. Milk yield in ewes feeding single lambs born as twins 1
- Arrangement of phytocenosis during first year of set aside an arable field 1
- Arrangement of weed community in dependence on plant cultivation system of two winter wheat cultivars 1
- Arrhenatheretum elatioris (Br. – Bl. 1915, Scherrer 1927, Tüxen 1937) in the valley of the Vistula 1
- Arrhenatheretum elatioris (Br. – Bl. 1915, Scherrer 1927, Tüxen 1937) nad Wisłą 1
- Arsenic and its chemical compounds in the central nervous system 1
- Arsen i chemiczne związki arsenowe w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym 1
- Artificial and natural infection of fowl with fowl pest and the blood serum proteins 1
- Artroskopia choroby zwyrodnieniowej stawów ramiennego, łokciowego, garstkowego i kolanowego psów 1
- A sanitary value of raw milk from the central and eastern regions of differentiated degree of environment contamination in Poland. II. Presence of Inhibitors, in that beta-lactamic antibiotics and a content of heavy metal toxic ions 1
- Ascending and descending fibres of the dorsal roots of the thoracal nerves I—IV in sheep 1
- Ascorbic acid in the spleen, kidneys and in the digestive tube wall in canards 1
- A search for differentiated chemical composition of hay from the ecotypes of meadow bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) 1
- A sled tandem as a contrivance for training and testing the utility of draft horses. Part I. A project of the method and of the contrivance used 1
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